EDMF Translations, Hungarian poetry day

National Poetry Day in Hungary

11 April is National Poetry Day in Hungary. The excellent Hungarian poet Attila József was born on this day, which has been National Poetry Day since 1964. Let us commemorate the great poet.

(You can read more about him here: http://bit.ly/1TsHSfe) For those who love poems, we particularly recommend the following beautiful poem by Attila József, as translated into English:

Hungarian poetry day, Attila József

Photo source: Wikipedia

Attila JÓZSEF: Lullaby

The sky’s blue eyes are falling shut,
shut, too, the house’s many eyes;
fields sleep beneath their coverlet –
so go to sleep now, little Blaise.

Ants rest their heads upon their knees,
the drowsy wasps are in a daze,
their business and buzzing cease –
so go to sleep now, little Blaise.

The streetcar snores, its rumbling
dozes, forgetful of the days,
but rings its dream-bell, ding-a-ling –
so go to sleep now, little Blaise.

Asleep the jacket on the chair,
its torn sleeve dozes where it lies,
this day no further will it tear –
so go to sleep now, little Blaise.

The whistle snoozes, and the ball,
the woods and picnic holidays,
the favourite choccie-bar, and all –
so go to sleep now, little Blaise.

Distance, glass marble of the skies,
you will achieve in all your ways,
you’ll be a giant; close your eyes –
and go to sleep now, little Blaise.

A soldier, fireman, you will be!
shepherd, you’ll lead wild game to graze!
Mummy herself drifts off, just see –
so go to sleep now, little Blaise.

Translated by: Zs. Osvath; F. Turner